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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Seeing In Color

Click on the link below:


  1. Great link! Seems like everything I've been working on lately has been mono tone.

  2. Thank you, Betsy - that was beautiful and so VERY relaxing! (Made me realise how much I needed to relax!)I thought the iris was particularly stunning as it transformed from black and white to colour.

  3. Great! So you'll appreciate the variety of colors more from the monotone work you're doing? I'm not an artist, but I do recognize good art. and yours is great, monotone or not. Thanks for visiting John.

  4. That was time well spent - this was gorgeous - all the way to the end - toward the end that yellow bloom with the ant on it....stupendous - the whole thing was magnificent...thanks. I bet you could have played the piano for that piece...
